Don't know your bowline from your half turn, or your clove hitch from your figure eight? Check out our knots guide, especially for sailing.

A clove hitch is another type of knot used for mooring a dinghy for short periods of time.
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A round turn and two half hitches is one of the most common knots used for tying a boat up securely so it doesn't float off while you're on your lunch break!
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A stopper knot is another form of stop knot, useful for stopping ropes passing through eyeholes or fairleads.
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A figure of eight knot is used mostly as a stopper knot in sailing, for example to stop a rope end coming through a fairlead or eyehole.
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A bowline is one of the most useful knots used for sailing.
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More articles |
Bowline - A bowline is one of the most useful knots used for sailing. |
Clove Hitch - A clove hitch is another type of knot used for mooring a dinghy for short periods of time.
Figure 8 - A figure of eight knot is used mostly as a stopper knot in sailing, for example to stop a rope end coming through a fairlead or eyehole. |
Round Turn and 2 Half Hitches - A round turn and two half hitches is one of the most common knots used for tying a boat up securely so it doesn't float off while you're on your lunch break!
Stopper Knot - A stopper knot is another form of stop knot, useful for stopping ropes passing through eyeholes or fairleads. |