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Interested in racing dinghies? Check out our articles on learning how to race, how to get to the front of the pack, and how to stay there!

In this category, we're going to publish articles that cover an introduction to racing already available, followed by start line tactics, starting signals, upwind tactics, downwind tactics, mark rounding, racing rules, different race courses, and the finish line! When we're done with all that, we'll start going into more detail on the above, and getting right into the nitty gritty of racing tactics.

Racing - Start Line Tactics

Whats the best way off the line? Which way do you go? Find out all this and more in our article on starting tactics.

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Racing - Starting Signals

Wouldn't things be so simple if we all just lined up on the start line, someone blew a whistle, and we started? It would be fantastic! However, due to the way boats work, this can never happen. It's easy enough to get people lined up on a running track and send them on one signal, but it doesn't work so well with boats, water, and wind.

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Introduction to Racing

So you've learnt to sail, why should you get involved in racing? Find out all the basics you need to know in our handy introduction to racing dinghies.

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More articles
Introduction to Racing - So you've learnt to sail, why should you get involved in racing? Find out all the basics you need to know in our handy introduction to racing dinghies.
Racing - Start Line Tactics - Whats the best way off the line? Which way do you go? Find out all this and more in our article on starting tactics.
Racing - Starting Signals - Wouldn't things be so simple if we all just lined up on the start line, someone blew a whistle, and we started? It would be fantastic! However, due to the way boats work, this can never happen. It's easy enough to get people lined up on a running track and send them on one signal, but it doesn't work so well with boats, water, and wind.

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